
Friday, October 31, 2014

2x1 Halloween nail art

Hello dear readers!

Here are my last Halloween manicures of this year.

It was hard to decide on just one nail art, so I did one on each hand.
More pics and details below...

 First, on my left hand, I stamped a ghost and skulls designs from my HD-H plate.
I used mundo the uñas white for stamping.

On my thumb, I stamped a spiderweb from that same plate.

On my right hand, it was a classic orange/black color combo. I stamped a pattern from my HD-G plate. It has little cats, bats and crosses.
Here you can see on more detail.

This nail art wasn't as elaborated or planned as I usually like, but I still liked the end result.

So, if you celebrate Halloween, I wish you have a fun and safe night!

♥♥Thank you so much for reading♥♥


  1. Las dos versiones me gustan, pero la naranja y negra me encanta por el estampado :) Te ha quedado perfecto.

    Por cierto, enhorabuena por las nuevas placas, has hecho un buenísimo trabajo ;)


  2. Your whole series this week has been absolutely beautiful. Thanks for educating and inspiring nail art worldwide! ♥

    1. You're welcome, and thank for reading my posts :)

  3. La primera es preciosa! Ambas me gustan pero buah, la primera es que ha quedado preciosa

    1. Tienen lo suyo cada una, supongo :D Las dos me gustan, pero la blanco y negro yo la podría usar todo el año :D

  4. Love both ones, they look so perfect *___*


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I will do my best to reply in a timely manner.